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Tuesday 17 October 2017

Everything you need about work contracts in France

Working in France: All you need for information about contracts for work in France will be found in this detailed article
In the beginning we note that to work in France, a license must be granted, except for citizens of the following countries:

Citizens of EEA countries (EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
Citizen of Indore and Monaco.
Holder of residence card or temporary residence card with full rights.
However, the document of residence holding a license to work as a "hire", "dealer, contractor, craftsman or seasonally ... and a card kept by the French authorities are valid only on French territory and do not permit you to work in other EU countries.

Paid work
There are two types of work procedures depending on your residence in France:

1_ Settlement procedure: This procedure is for the employment of a foreign worker residing in France without a work permit

The migrant must find a worker who wants to hire you and then you must withdraw a file from the employment that contains these documents:

A document confirming the promise of employment or employment
A document attesting to your commitment to the performance of OMI's fees and charges
In case of admission, the International Migration Office will call the person who wishes to work for a medical examination and submit a copy of the employment contract approved by the Department of Labor and Vocational Training (DDTFP) and then given a summons to be able to withdraw the residence card bearing the name of the quality of your job. ) Of employment

2 - Procedure of recruitment: This procedure for the recruitment of a foreign worker outside the territory of France by a French employer or resident in France and these are the conditions
Applicants apply to the Employment and Vocational Training Directorate (DDTFP) to withdraw the recruitment form and submit to the ANPA a complete file containing these procedures.

A written request to submit the reasons for the recruitment
Provide copies of the certificates, diplomas obtained and biography
Four copies of the work contract are packed and passed by the operator
Three photographs
The place of residence to be provided by the operator
Commitment to the performance of International Migration Office receivables
Within 3 weeks at most, this offer of work will be in the interests of ANPE, where French or French residents can benefit from and be employed in advance. At the end of this period, ANPE will forward the file to DDTFP, which has the decision to accept the recruitment within a month

If the application is rejected, the employer will be notified of the refusal. If the application is accepted, the file will be forwarded to OMI. The DDTFP will indicate the type of contract of employment, the activities that will be involved in the work and the areas in which it will operate.

When your file is accepted, you will be employed unless there is an OMI mission in your country of origin so there will be two procedures (either a mission) or a consular procedure.

1_ Conduct a mission:
Your file is sent by the DDTFP to the OMI mission in your country. The latter will call you for immigration requirements such as medical examination and confirmation of some documents. You will then be presented with a contract signed by the French consulate in your country

Consular action
The DDTFP Department sends your file to the OMI Central Office in Paris. The latter contacts the French consulate in your country to receive a long-term visa and residence permit. However, upon arrival in France, you should go to OMI to undergo a medical examination and receive a certificate You can go to work to obtain the residence card and the duration of the work.

What are the procedures for renewing a contract in France?
A person wishing to renew a work contract in France must request this before the end of his residence card by two or three months by going to the labor or to a reception center for migrants in Paris.

The file must contain documents attesting to the existence of future work after the end of the first contract and a copy of the residence document in addition to the performance of a tax estimated at 55 euros for OMI

Some special cases of foreign unemployed
Unemployed during the renewal of the residence card will receive a new card with a rating of "Agir" without the performance of the Taxi tax

If the person is unemployed in the first extension he can get a new extension if he benefits from unemployment compensation

Unemployed who does not benefit from unemployment compensation during the first extension can refuse to estimate the "wage"

The residence card can not be enjoyed if the person does not prove sufficient resources and if he no longer has the right to reside in France by another document.

Seasonal agricultural or tourist work ..
The employer or employer who intends to hire you as a seasonal worker must submit an offer to ANPE in his / her area within two months prior to entering the agricultural or tourist season

ANPE investigates whether all possibilities for employment within France have been studied, and then sends the request to DDTFP, which examines whether all the terms of the contract are present, such as work, pay, housing or hosting, and the duration of the contract. DDTFP to OMI

Nominal contract

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Moroccans, Tunisians and Turks ... and all citizens of the countries where the OMI is located can submit the nominal contract directly to the OMI and the nominal contract is when the employer knows you before he asks you to be brought in. Your name is indicated in the contract and OMI calls you in your country and submits you a technical check , Then gives you the contract and is charged with the visa to go to France to work.

If you are a citizen of a country where there is no OMI mission, your file is sent to the central office of the International Migration Office in Paris, who studies your file with the French consulate in your country.

Indefinite action:

This procedure relates to the countries where the International Migration Bureau (Morocco, Bologna, Tunisia, Turkey) exists. The contract approved by DDTFP is sent to the International Migration Office in Paris, which transmits it to the mission concerned. The mission costs the medical examination, gives you the contract and also costs the visa to enter France.

Trader, Contractor or Industrial:
If you wish to personally undertake an industrial, commercial or entrepreneurial activity in France, you must first have a "merchant" ID card.
Is exempted from TAGCRL card from
 European Economic Spacemen.
Card holders.
Citizens of Algeria, Andorra, Monaco and Switzerland.
The procedures for practicing a commercial, industrial or contracting activity vary in a personal name or in the form of a company (SARL, SA), depending on whether you are residing in France or abroad.

If you live in France:
The file must be deposited directly with the employment in which you intend to practice or create the first office.

The agent delivers the merchant's identification card and searches
 If you are not subject to a conviction or decision preventing you from doing business.
 The activity in question shall not be contrary to public order.
 The activity in question shall be in accordance with security, safety and tranquility.
Proof of a project involving at least a multi-year expected budget.
You must make a written commitment to the guarantee in order to start the activity, whether by a loan institution (bank, postal) indicating that you are available at an expense that allows you to cover your needs.
The worker will consult the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or the Chamber of Trades in the area concerned, giving you his opinion within 15 days. After acceptance, the worker shall make a decision within three months from the date on which the file is completed. The absence of a decision after this term means acceptance. Each rejection must be justified.
The card must be withdrawn from employment within 4 months after reaching the decision. The card is not valid after this period.

In the event of a company being formed or active in your personal name, you must, after 3 months of delivery of the card, place a copy of your registration in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) with the worker or register in the letter list. Otherwise, the card is invalid. If you want to publish your activity, you must declare this to the regional operator of the first organization and to the operator of the territory in which the activity is conducted.

When your activity has stopped permanently or temporarily for more than one month, you must return the card. They can be withdrawn if the conditions for obtaining them are no longer available.

Living outside France:
At the same time, you must apply for a merchant card and apply for a long residence visa at the Consulate of France.

Documents to be submitted are:
A written request explaining the type of activity you wish to practice and intend to live in France (two copies).
 The CERFA n ° 10779 * 01 is filled.
 Model 17 / VI with the opinion of Consul and Commercial Counsel (3 copies) dated and past.
 A copy of your legal record (original and certified translation).
 Certificate of non-bankruptcy.
 Documentation of the necessary resources for the anticipated activity (bank guarantee, funds in France).
 Information for a correspondent in France who can provide the administration in France with supplementary documents or information.
 CVs, diplomas, training documents or professional experience.
Depending on the nature of the activity, other documents may be provided (activity in a personal name, company activity, company path).

Activity with a personal name:
If the activity is created: a copy of the promise of the commercial drawing explaining the activity and the license of the shop owner, a copy of the contract of appointment of the shop (if necessary).

In the case of promotion of a commercial activity: a copy of the undertaking or sale contract for the shops.

In the case of management: a copy of the undertaking or the management contract, a copy of the registration in the RCS or the list of occupations of the former operator.

Company activity:
If there is created activity: the naming documents, a copy of the company's status and the distribution of social capital.
In the case of working in an existing company: the documentation of the label, copy K is equipped with registration of the company in the RCS for at least three months, a copy of the status of the company.

Activity of a foreign company in France:
Company in the way of creation: contract shows the real activity of the company, varieties, number, nationality of workers, naming documents, copy of the company's foreign status.

In the case of an existing company: the naming documents, copy K bis to register the company in the RCS for at least 3 months, a copy of the Commercial Registry undertaking explaining the activity and the owner's  .

In this latter case, the search procedures are quick. A provisional license is granted for the practice, based on a quick request within two weeks from the date of arriving at a complete file.
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