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Tuesday 17 October 2017

Very important tips for those interested In secret immigration to Europe

interested In secret immigration to Europe ? Rmember this Tips Good ▼

Tip 1: Choose the country you want to migrate to
After you have decided to leave your country and stay there for a while, you must choose the country you intend to immigrate to, so that you can begin to collect information about it and learn about its advantages. Each European country is different. You will go to him.

Tip 2: Learn the language of the country you will be migrating to
If you intend to immigrate to France, you must learn French, and if you intend to immigrate to Italy, you should learn Italian, the same thing about German, Spanish and English ... so you can communicate with people and get a job.
It is not required to master the language completely from rules and to eloquence, but acquiring some words and terms will have a big role in facilitating your communication with people.

Tip 3: Save some money
It's not enough to save money for road expenses, because some people think the problem of money ends up only in Europe, and they'll find everything there, but the truth is something else, because when you arrive you'll need a few things like accommodation, transportation and food ... , And money there is difficult to get if you are not working in a job, and as you are a secret immigrant will find it difficult to find work at least in the first weeks or months, so it is very important to save money in advance in your country

Tip 4: Find someone who will meet you at home when you arrive

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Also, it should be borne in mind that the European countries know their climate very cold especially at night and sometimes temperatures may be less than zero degrees, so forget about sleeping outdoors and homelessness, because it may cost you your life or cause diseases It is better to look in advance for a relative or a friend so that he can nurse him in the early days until you find a job where you can rent an apartment. Finding a home means keeping you away from the danger of police patrols that may find you homeless.

Tip 5: You have to acquire a craft or skill
In the search for a job, it is preferable to have a craft or skill so that you can find a job that guarantees you a respectable income, otherwise you will have to search for hard labor such as construction or agriculture. In addition, many employers appreciate and respect craftsmen and craftsmen and may think about this. Help you get your residence papers in a short time because they see you as someone who can benefit you so they can not afford to leave you

Tip 6: Be social and expand your circle of knowledge
When you arrive, it is advisable to know the largest number of officially resident immigrants and even European citizens. This is necessary, but it is your duty to search for work. The law in several European countries does not permit the employment of illegal immigrants. He does not know him, so if you can make friends and acquaintances, this will make it easier for you to look for work.

Tip 7: Be good
In the countries of the Third World (or underdeveloped) life there depends on deceit and cheating, and these are things that contribute to the backwardness of those peoples, so in developed countries, these things are abhorred by the many citizens, and the use of them is seen with a look of contempt contrary to the admiration that It is seen by the deceiver and cheat on the basis that it is clever and intelligent in the backward countries, but the Europeans see it as a bad person and is boycotted, so do not you, and then you have to beg yourself to bring things to him.
The things.

Tip 8: Patience
If you want to achieve your dream, you have to be patient, because nothing comes easily and this is the truth unfortunately, so if you have the opportunity and arrived in Europe, and all these tips and other advice provided by other people, you should take this last advice, because it Is the most important advice, because many young people can not patience and perseverance in achieving their dream, they are forced to do other things may be inappropriate in order to accelerate the change in their situation, turn them on them, and thrown into prisons or returned to their country.

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