100 thousand vacancies in Switzerland
European countries and Switzerland are starting to offer their vacancies, estimated by experts at 540,000 jobs, of which 110,000 are Swiss. It is true that this number is limited compared to other European countries, but the number of Swiss companies offering jobs is rising in Europe. There are about 300 thousand Swiss companies able to offer jobs, while the number does not exceed 200 thousand in neighboring countries such as Germany, France and Austria.
Jobs are available in two important sectors: health, technology and information technology, with 5,600 vacancies in the first three months.
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In the health care sector, the number was more than 5,000, with more than 60 per cent looking to hire specialized nurses and surgeons.Experts note that the number of vacancies in the public relations sector has risen significantly in the last three years to reach a thousand jobs a year used by the Swiss to market most of their products abroad. While the number of jobs in the tourism sector fell 50 percent.
The European labor force remains mainly in the Swiss economic and financial structure, followed by the Turkish and then Albanian labor and those from Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Kosovo.
With Switzerland's minimum monthly salary close to 4,000 Swiss francs ($ 4,500), Switzerland is witnessing a massive exodus of workers from Eastern European countries that have recently joined the European Union. They are expected to account for more than 22 percent of vacancies in the next five years, especially in the construction sector.
Observers at the Ministry of Labor note that the number of vacancies in the technology and information sector has jumped to 8 percent in the last 10 years. The number of jobs in various fields of research rose by 6 percent.
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