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Monday, 4 December 2017

Canada Immigration Through Family Class Programs

How will Canada increase immigration through Family Class programs
Canada’s government recently revealed it’s plan for immigration in the next following years. Besides all the big effort put in immigration through work, Canada also wants to improve the numbers of immigrants through the Family Class programs. For this reason, the government has been proposing some changes that will make processing time simpler and faster.


Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

As published before, the target numbers for Family Reunification programs immigration are: 84,000 for 2017, 86,000 for 2018 (2.4 percent of increase), 88,500 for 2019 (3 percent of increase) and 91,000 for 2020 (3 percent of increase). Considering 2017 numbers, it means almost 350,000 new permanent residents in Canada by the year 2020. By Family Class programs we mean, basically, sponsoring spouses or common-law partners, dependent children, parents and grandparents and Super Visa. And it is always important to remember family sponsors must be 18 years or older and prove to have enough income for that. Also, a sponsor must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident or a registered Indian in Canada.

The government now aims to reduce backlogs and make the application processing times shorter for all the categories. Especially for spouses and common-law partners sponsorship that are currently living in Canada, which the processing time takes normally from two to one year. Besides that, Canada immigration authorities also want to guarantee that the spouses and common-law partners can work while waiting for the application final family classdecision. In order to make it happen, Canada wants to keep the Work Permit Pilot Program. Issued in 2014, this program has helped families to live better in Canada while waiting for the application final decision. And it also put the candidates in a better position in the Canadian job market.

Those policies are a continuation of a decision to revoke the conditional provision of the Permanent Resident status for the sponsored spouse or common-law partner. Before, if the relationship was shorter than two years or the couple had no children by the time of the application, they would have to live together for two years after the application was approved to guarantee the Permanent Resident status for the sponsored person. But since April this year, this is no longer obligatory. So, the sponsored person has, right away, the full Permanent Resident status after the application is approved.

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