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Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Canada Military Visa Application

Visa Application Canada

Canadian MilItary Forces are experiencing  a huge challenge in recruiting enough minorities from mostly immigrant groups and other countries and to that effect they have opened up gates for immigrants from other countries who will like to join the Canadian military to help boost the no of military personnels resident in Canada.

Recall that last month , Canada’s Department of National Defence (DND) commissioned the Ipsos Reid survey that returned the findings as part of its effort to understand minority attitudes toward the Armed Forces.

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

The Ispsos Reid report on the survey states that the DND is seeking better recruitment strategies for ncreasing the representation of this demographic in the armed forces in order to “comply with Employment Equity (EE) Act requirements and ensure operational effectiveness”. In 2010, the Armed Forces set a target of visible minorities making up 17 percent of its personnel in 2013, but nearly three years later, it is only 5 percent. This year ,they have opened up the border for immigrants who will like to join their military to raise the number if minorities in their military personnels to 30%.

Applicant must have met all the standard conditions for applying for citizenship or visa except for the residency requirements( see all conditions on the link provided)

Must have completed 2years of job experience or service in home country no matter how little the job position may be Must have met your personal income tax obligations.

Use this application if you are 18 years of age or older, and you want to apply for Canadian citizenship as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. Note: If you were released other than honourably from the Canadian Armed Forces, you are not eligible to apply under the Canadian Armed Forces application form.

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